Standby Task Force Update – April 2014

It has been a busy few months remodelling SBTF to become flexible for what the future in digital humanitarianism holds.
Some major changes have taken place. From new core team, new teams, new directions, new tools etc. All these things have one thing in common…. They are new!
The field we work in is a dynamic and changing space; for which there is no clearly defined step by step guide on how we get to the future. The SBTF is actively engaged in assisting development of best practices based on years of experience, to expand the knowledge base available to digital humanitarian in general and SBTF in specific. Collaboration is critical to the way we determine our future as a humanitarian actors. Though learning is always a dynamic process; the frustrations, ideas and efforts are well worth it.
During the last few months we have talked to volunteers, Coreteam, Advisory Board, tech groups, UN departments, disaster response field workers, NGOs and partners within DHN to see how we are best to move forward into the next phase of SBTF.

“Into the future”

What does this all mean though? Standby Task Force are leading the way with Geo location and Verification techniques. By exploring and testing new ways, we aim to achieve the highest of standards.
Also SBTF actively seeks to extend volunteer skill sets to encompass emerging technology by training. A dedicated podcast series also seeks to provide volunteers with a better understanding of the humanitarian field with speakers presenting on various subjects.

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